

Find your dream jobs.

The jobs that help you learn and grow – by connecting you with great companies and great professionals around the globe.



We’ve got you covered.

You are in control

We let you choose the way you want to work, from the projects you want to work on to the companies you want to work with, and the places you want to work in.

Know your worth

We help you get paid fair and square, letting you set your daily rate cards and ensure you get all the money you worked for in 30 days max.

You deserve more

With us, the more you work the more you’re rewarded, giving those who stay with us access to invite-only experiences and opportunities from our network.


We give you the space to grow your career.

Find your passion

We give you unlimited opportunities to grow your skills and grow as a person.

Find your people

We put you in touch with a network of people who are all working towards the same goals.

Find your freedom

We give you the chance to explore new places and get to know yourself better.


Reach the stars with three simple steps

Fill in the application form on our website, let the algorithm and mentors do their magic, master your interview, and join our cosmic crew.


Application form

Tell us everything about you, from your previous work experience to what you expect from working with us.


Screening by the team and the community

A double review from our robots and humans to begin placing you on the career path that connects your wants and needs.


Become one of the Cosmics

Explore your universe of opportunities, choosing whoever you want to work with, earning however much you want, and working from wherever you want.


What our talent has to say.

Marina Bassani

  • Designer @Freelance

I loved the my experience with Cosmico because, from the very first hours of working together at the Workspace, I felt inspired by all those beautiful minds around me; it was nice to hear about other people’s projects and dreams, it helped me feel a little more stimulated to chase my own.
Sonia Azzola e Valeria Melocchi

Valeria Melocchi

  • Co-founder @Make You Greener

Cosmico allowed me to confront and relate in a free but profound way. Opportunities for exchanging contacts, experiences and skills arose spontaneously and at the most unexpected moments. Those moments were the most precious and enriching. Being close to creative and inspiring people allowed me to boost my workflow.

Your journey starts here.

Take one small step for talent and one giant leap for the world of work.


CosmicoCosmico s.r.l.
Piazza Generale Armando Diaz, 1 Milano
VAT: 11186440969

Paid-up share capital: €50.909,09
REA number MI: 2585976
Tax code and business registration number 11186440969

©2023 All Rights Reserved