
10 Jul 2023

Talent as a Service


The digital piggy bank to save and invest in a smart way.

A new generation of savers has been born. And with it, a new digital piggy bank has also emerged. It's called Gimme5, a project by the asset management company AcomeA. It's an app that allows each of us to access the investment world and put money aside smartly, even from just €1. It's super simple: you set your goal (a car, a trip, or another dream) and activate the rules you prefer to follow in order to reach it faster, step by step. You can choose from various automatic settings, such as "Special Dates" to save a sum every time an important date occurs, "Sports" to deposit an amount every time your favorite soccer or basketball team wins, "Daily Steps" to set a target of steps and save money when you reach it, or even simply set aside a fixed amount each day, week, or month. Whatever you save, whether it’s small or large amounts, is invested to help it grow over time. With over 570,000 users reached, 150 million euros saved, 6 million euros of generated value, and over 35,000 goals achieved, Gimme5 allows people to live their life while saving and investing to achieve their goals without stress.

Gimme5 + Cosmico 🚀

We’ve been collaborating since the birth of the app. Giuseppe Codazzi, Data Scientist of AcomeA and Manager for Gimme5, had the need to find professional figures that are difficult to consistently retain within projects, especially during certain periods. Therefore, Gimme5 turned to us, and we assembled a team to work on the app's development: a pool of professionals consisting of two front-end developers and one back-end developer.

The team of talent took care of all aspects of the Gimme5 product: they collaborated on creating the design of the mobile application and the landing page and developed the website and both versions of the app, iOS and Android. Once these were completed, the team proceeded to restyle the old versions of the app, adding new features. There was also a need for a technological upgrade to ensure that the product always maintained a high level of quality, following the best practices of fintech apps.

We’ve been collaborating since the birth of the app. Giuseppe Codazzi, Data Scientist at AcomeA and responsible for Gimme5, had the need to find professional figures that are difficult to consistently retain within projects, especially during certain periods. Therefore, Gimme5 turned to us, and we assembled a team to work on the app's development: a pool of professionals consisting of two frontend developers and one backend developer.

In particular, the team focused on analyzing the onboarding process of Gimme5, which we know is (as is the case with all apps) one of the most delicate phases of the funnel. In fact, during the registration process, the company wanted to reduce drop-off rates and improve the customer experience, aiming to receive positive feedback right from the first impression interacting with the Gimme5 universe.

Our team designed and developed a new process, improving several pain points. The result was an onboarding experience that yielded better results than in the past: users themselves recognized and positively evaluated the new process. This is an ongoing project tha, after the initial development phase lasting about six months, sees the team involved in supporting internal professionals within the company, always working remotely.

For Gimme5, being smart also means responding flexibly to the needs of employees and customers. Investing in freelancers and external professionals who support the internal team remotely means expanding the skills and possibilities of choice and collaboration. It also means finding individuals who are currently difficult to reach and retain consistently within companies.

- Giuseppe Codazzi, Data Scientist at AcomeA and Manager for Gimme5

In the development and design phase, the team focused on aspects related to security. As far as programming languages ​​are concerned, we chose the path of native development: the latest versions of Swift for iOS and Kotlin for Android, a solution. This solution is always the most innovative as it always allows interaction with the features released by Apple and Google and integrates them into the apps.

Usually in fintech startups, the technical teams are quite large, with highly skilled and senior professionals. By turning to us, Gimme5 found the right skills quickly and cost-effectively, entrusting the development of the app to a team of just three experienced individuals with vertical expertise.

Once the core work was completed, users appreciated the new graphic design (as evidenced by the positive reviews), and the application immediately became more intuitive. This is an important achievement, and its impact can be seen on the app stores through the numerous positive user reviews.

Why we like Gimme5

Gimme5 does something very important for us: in addition to providing an easy and fun way to save and invest, it’s built a community that works towards a common purpose. In fact, it offers its users the opportunity to join forces for a social objective linked to the world of sustainability and collective growth, such as building a school in Madagascar. But what we like the most is the education on how to save: Gimme5 primarily targets a young audience, made up of Gen Y and Gen Z, and shares with them numerous tips, insights, and simulations to better understand the many benefits that good financial management can bring to their lives.



Hibo, part of the Maggioli Group, works in the world of branding, communication, strategy, and digital transformation but with a strategy focused on data-driven customer experiences. Founded in Bologna by a group of entrepreneurs over 10 years ago, they now have around 90 employees and have expanded to both Milan and London. The agency covers various sectors ranging from automotive to publishing and luxury to consumer goods. Hibo is an agency that works with many different types of talent in the field of marketing and web development, operates through 4 business units: Strategy, Creative, Digital Products, and Events, and acts as a partner to guide clients through their journey of activating these digital experiences.

CosmicoCosmico s.r.l.
Piazza Generale Armando Diaz, 1 Milano
VAT: 11186440969

Paid-up share capital: €50.909,09
REA number MI: 2585976
Tax code and business registration number 11186440969

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