
10 Jul 2023

Talent Retention


The design that anticipates the experiences of the future.

With 13 teams of multidisciplinary designers and over 100 people spread over four locations (Lugano, Milan, Rome, and San Francisco), Sketchin is the strategic design studio that operates globally to create the human experiences of the future. It’s an agile and efficient company that interprets technology and works to build a world where, through design, it can make everyone's experiences simpler and more enjoyable. Sketchin helps companies shape their future by releasing new products and services, supporting them in the evolution of their organizations, and creating inclusive physical/digital experiences to build sustainable value that lasts over time.

Learn through discussing experiences with others

Promoting the remote work culture ensures many advantages for both the company and professionals, but Sketchin, just like us, also likes to meet in person and spend time together to build teams that support both professional collaboration and collaboration in each individual’s personal life outside of work.

The Sketchin directors have actively participated in the Cosmico community during the Learnspaces, contributing to the growth of other professionals and enriching themselves through the experiences shared by others during the live Learnspace weekends.

In fact, Sketchin chose the Cosmico Learnspaces to strengthen relationships among professionals within their teams and to encourage their employees to engage in discussions with other companies and design experts.

Networking effectively in a context like Cosmico's Learnspace truly opens the mind to other perspectives and new approaches. The greatest value lies in the fusion and inspiration gathered from engaging with other companies and professionals, the opportunity to immerse oneself for three days in a new, stimulating, and fun environment to expand one's circle of contacts.

- Sarah Corti, Chief Design Officer of Sketchin

Why we like Sketchin

By nature, the future is an unknown territory and, for this reason, it often generates fear. Sketchin is the right partner for those companies that see the future as an opportunity rather than a threat. And in the future, there’s technology, which has always had the power to transform the human experience with its charm and ability to open new horizons. But sometimes it can also appear cold and intimidating to those who don't fully understand it. Just like Sketchin, we firmly believe that technology is, now more than ever, the key to seizing the opportunities of the future, provided we know how to make it accessible and "human" through good design. Together with Sketchin, we’re determined to explore new opportunities and transform them into sustainable value for people, organizations, and the planet.


CosmicoCosmico s.r.l.
Piazza Generale Armando Diaz, 1 Milano
VAT: 11186440969

Paid-up share capital: €50.909,09
REA number MI: 2585976
Tax code and business registration number 11186440969

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